Trains, Trails and Travels

A Journal of Travel Adventures

Walking with Giants

Posted Monday 8th November 2021

In late 2003 I did an extended trek in Nepal. The trek was 36 days out on the hoof, most of which was camping, even in snow and ice, covering 240 km horizontally but also nearly 16,500 metres (54,000 ft) vertically.

Part 1: Walking with Giants — Ascending

This is the first part of a five part story, covering the flight to Lukla and the first few days of walking up to around 12,000 ft.

Part 2: Walking with Giants — Great Heights

This part of the story takes us from an elevation of around 12,000 ft to almost 18,000 ft, twice.

Part 3: Walking with Giants — Descending

This is the third part of a five part story, starting at above 16,000 ft but descending to Lukla over a five day period.

Part 4: Walking with Giants — Ice and Snow

This is the fourth part of a five part story, following from our second departure from Lukla, this time eastward across the grain of the country.

Part 5: Walking with Giants — Lowlands

This is the last of a five part story, covering our return to elevations that were far more familiar to us Australians.